Sunday, February 24, 2008

below ...

The exhibit, along with the cool costumes and props from the Star Wars movies, is meant to compare the technology of Star Wars' "long time ago" to the tech of our "now" and near future. Along with the Star Wars props and stuff there were many examples of today's aircraft, robots, etc. Honestly, I skipped all that and went only to see "STAR WARS".

There's more than one page, so make sure to click on "OLDER POSTS" at the bottom of the pages.

An Imperial Star Destroyer

A Wampa. I want one

Tie this guy out back and see who can break into your house. Just have a LOT of fresh Taun Taun meat on hand or YOU might not make it into the house!
a Tauntaun model

More than one way to make u dead

Vader unmasked

The mask, helmet and suit do more than help Vader look intimidating, they keep him alive.


I tried to make it into the Imperial Army.. but I couldn't fit into the suit.

Hangin' with Vader

Darth Vader... he's the man.. /machine.
This is the Vader costume i made for Halloween a couple yrs ago.

Medical Droids

Lose a hand? We can replace it!

Tusken Raider

Tusken Raiders (Sand People)... I guess they don't like getting sand on themselves.


Hide your Droids!!!

TIE fighter

TIE: "Twin Ion Engine"

Part of the crew

Han wasn't available, so he lent me the keys to the "Falcon".
The "Millenium Falcon"

"Size matters not"

Jedi come in all shapes and sizes!

Droids on parade

Early C3PO, Imperial probe droid, a Pit droid and a Trade Federation Army grunt.

Various Transports


Another Trade Federation toy. Rolling balls of death... Unless you're a Jedi.

Leia, R2D2 and C3PO

When my wife and I were looking at these, we both remarked how dull their finish was and the lack of detail up close. When we saw the pics later we were amazed at the difference the flash from the camera made.... Movie magic!


Shaggy giants from an arboreal world, the tall and commanding Wookiee species is an impressive sight to even the most jaded spacer.

Trade Federation tank

The Trade Federation has all kinds of cool toys

Dangers of Hoth

The wildlife on Hoth (Wampa) wouldv'e been bad enuff for the Rebels without having to deal with Imperial Snowtroopers trying to gun you down also.

Luke's Landspeeder

This was life size. Used for speeding across the sands of Tatooine by Luke.


I was pretty excited. I love Star Wars. Big Smile!